Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Unlocking Huawei B593s-22 4G LTE CPE Wireless Router

Step 1.
Login to your device Dashboard
1. Login as USER in

username: user
password: @l03e1t3

 2. Click System
3.Go to Upload Configuration File
4. Browse your file
5. Click Submit
Step 2.
1. Login as ADMIN in
username: admin
2.Copy your IMEI & Model of the router.
3.After copying the information given proceed to this site to type your IMEI & Model
Note: You should have a Google Account 
4.Sign in with Google
5.Put your IMEI & Model
6.Click Calculate
7.To see the result click this G+
8. Here's the sample of the Result
Step 3.
1. Turn off your Router and insert other sim
2. After inserting other sim that is not supported by your device login to
3.Login as ADMIN . (admin/password123)
4.Click Internet & Paste your Code.
5. Click Submit(OK)
Your Router is now UNLOCKED!
 Don't Forget to leave a comment below ..;) 
Disclaimer: This information is intended for experienced users. It is not intended for basic users, hackers. We are not be responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including loss of data or hardware damage. So use it at your own risk.

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