Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Compilation of Unlocking Codes for Samsung Phones

Tried and Tested units that is being unlock thru this codes:
D900; T809; T509; T309; T209; X100; X495; X660; D600; E780; T319; E365

1. Put non accepted sim card to phone
2. Make full eprom reset (*2767*3855#)
3. Enter this code to change the nck code to (00000000) (*7465625*638*00000000*00000000#) enter
4. To permanently unlock the phone enter this code (#7465625*638*00000000#)
5. Check the phone lock status (*#7465625#)

Your phone now is permanently unlock

Samsung T309 and T809 100%
1st Make Full Eprom Reset *2767*3855#
After Rebooting Mobile
then enter...
*7465625*638*00000000*00000000# (to change NCK code to 00000000)

then enter...
#7465625*638*00000000# (to permanently unlock the phone)

check the lock status...
T209, X100, X495, X660, D600, E780, T319
Input *#7465625# to check the locks....all locks should now be inactive as shown below:
network lock - inactive
subset lock - inactive
sp lock - inactive
cp lock - inactive
sim lock - inactive
activa lock - inactive
phone lock - inactive
auto network - inactive
auto subset lock - inactive
auto sp lock - inactive
auto cp lock - inactive
auto sim lock - inactive
T809 now with this procedure.

with t-mobile sim doesnt work.....
with wrong card it works.

1. enter *7465625*638*00000000*00000000# then turn your unit off. and power on again.
2. enter #7465625*638*00000000# then power off again. power on again .
full list of D500 secret codes (same as on E800)
*2767*688# = Unlocking Code
*#8999*8378# = All in one Code
*#4777*8665# = GPSR Tool
*#8999*523# = LCD Brightness
*#8999*3825523# = External Display
*#8999*377# = Errors
#*5737425# = JAVA Something{I choose 2 and it chrashed}]
*#2255# = Call List

#*536961# = Java Status Code
#*536962# = Java Status Code
#*536963# = Java Status Code
#*53696# = Java Status Code

#*1200# = AFC DAC Val
#*1300# = IMEI
#*1400# = IMSI

#*2562# = White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*2565# = Check Blocking
#*3353# = Check Code
#*3837# = White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3849# = White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3851# = White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3876# = White for 15 secs than restarts.

#*7222# = Operation Typ (Class C GSM)
#*7224# = I Got !! ERROR !!
#*7252# = Oparation Typ (Class B GPRS)
#*7271# = Multi Slot (Class 1 GPRS)
#*7274# = Multi Slot (Class 4 GPRS)
#*7276# = Dunno
#*7337# = EEPROM Reset (Unlock and Resets Wap Settings)
#*2787# = CRTP ON/OFF
#*3737# = L1 Dbg data
#*5133# = L1 Dbg data
#*7288# = GPRS Attached
#*7287# = GPRS Detached
#*7666# = SrCell Data
#*7693# = Sleep Act/DeAct (Enable or Disable the Black screen after doing nothing for a while)
#*7284# = Class : B,C or GPRS
#*2256# = Calibration Info
#*2286# = Battery Data
#*2527# = GPRS Switching (set to: class 4, class 8, class 9 or class 10)
#*2679# = Copycat feature (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3940# = External loop test 9600 bps
#*4263# = Handsfree mode (Activate or Deactivate)
#*4700# = Half Rate (Activate or Deactivate)
#*7352# = BVMC Reg value
#*8462# = Sleeptime
#*2558# = Time ON
#*3370# = EFR (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3941# = External looptest 115200 bps
#*5176# = L1 Sleep
#*7462# = SIM phase
#*7983# = Voltage/Frequenci (Activate or Deactivate)
#*7986# = Voltage (Activate or Deactivate)
#*8466# = Old time
#*2255# = Call
#*5187# = L1C2G trace (Activate or Deactivate)
#*5376# = White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*6837# = Official Software Version
#*7524# = KCGPRS
#*7562# = LOCI GPRS
#*7638# = RLC allways open ended TBF (Activate or Deactivate)
#*7632# = Sleep mode Debug
#*7673# = Sleep mode RESET
#*2337# = Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# =
#*2834# = Audio Path
#*3270# = DCS support (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3282# = Data (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3476# = EGSM (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3676# = Flash volume formated
#*4760# = GSM (Activate or Deactivate)
#*4864# = Dunno doesn't work on newer versions
#*5171# = L1P1
#*5172# = L1P2
#*5173# = L1P3
#*7326# = Accessory (I got Vibrator)
#*7683# = Sleep variable (Cool
#*7762# = SMS Brearer CS (Activate or Deactivate)
#*8465# = Time in L1
#*9795# = wtls key
#*2252# = Current CAL
#*2836# = AVDDSS Management (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3877# = Dump of SPY trace
#*7728# = RSAV done# (Everything went to standart but nothing was deleted)
#*2677# = ARM State (None or Full Rate)
*#8999*636# = Have no clue what it is, i see 20 lines
*#9999# = Software version
*#8999*8376263# = HW ver, SW ver and Build Date
*#8888# = HW version
*#8377466# = Same HW/SW version thing

*#7465625# = Check the locks
*7465625*638*Code# = Enables Network lock
#7465625*638*Code# = Disables Network lock
*7465625*782*Code# = Enables Subset lock
#7465625*782*Code# = Disables Subset lock
*7465625*77*Code# = Enables SP lock
#7465625*77*Code# = Disables SP lock
*7465625*27*Code# = Enables CP lock
#7465625*27*Code# = Disables CP lock
*7465625*746*Code# = Enables SIM lock
#7465625*746*Code# = Disables SIM lock
*7465625*228# = Activa lock ON
#7465625*228# = Activa lock OFF
*7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON
#7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF
*7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF

*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset
*2767*2878# = E2P Custom Reset
*2767*927# = E2P Wap Reset
*2767*226372# = E2P Camera Reset
#*6420# = MIC Off
#*6421# = MIC On
#*6422# = MIC Data
#*6428# = MIC Measurement
#*3230# = Trace enable and DCD disable
#*3231# = Trace disable and DCD enable
#*3232# = Current Mode
#7263867# = RAM Dump (On or Off)
*2767*49927# = Germany WAP Settings
*2767*44927# = UK WAP Settings
*2767*31927# = Netherlands WAP Settings
*2767*420927# = Czech WAP Settings
*2767*43927# = Austria WAP Settings
*2767*39927# = Italy WAP Settings
*2767*33927# = France WAP Settings
*2767*351927# = Portugal WAP Settings
*2767*34927# = Spain WAP Settings
*2767*46927# = Sweden WAP Settings
*2767*380927# = Ukraine WAP Settings
*2767*7927# = Russia WAP Settings
*2767*30927# = GREECE WAP Settings
*2767*73738927# = WAP Settings Reset
*2767*49667# = Germany MMS Settings
*2767*44667# = UK MMS Settings
*2767*31667# = Netherlands MMS Settings
*2767*420667# = Czech MMS Settings
*2767*43667# = Austria MMS Settings
*2767*39667# = Italy MMS Settings
*2767*33667# = France MMS Settings
*2767*351667# = Portugal MMS Settings
*2767*34667# = Spain MMS Settings
*2767*46667# = Sweden MMS Settings
*2767*380667# = Ukraine MMS Settings
*2767*7667#. = Russia MMS Settings
*2767*30667# = GREECE MMS Settings
*335# = Delete all MMS Messages
*663867# = Dump Mm file
#*536961# = WAPSAR enable / HTTP disable
#*536962# = WAPSAR disable / HTTP enable
#*536963# = Serial eable / Others disable
#*53696# = Java Download Mode
#*5663351# = Wap Model ID [Your Model]
#*5663352# = Wap Model ID [SEC-SGHXXXX/1.0]
#*566335# = Wap Model ID [SEC-SGHXXXX/1.0]
*2767*66335# = Check on which model it is
*2767*7100# = SEC-SGHS100/1.0
*2767*8200# = SEC-SGHV200/1.0
*2767*7300# = SEC-SGHS300/1.0
*2767*7650# = Nokia7650/1.0
*2767*2877368# = Reset WAP Model reset
Format samsung I300
1. turn off the mobile.
2. Press (0) + power button.
3. show screen Enter password
then enter master password like (1234)
now your mobile was formated
e860 & e530
E530 Unlock Method By Code


STEP1>>>>>>>press *#9998*3323# then press exit and slect 6

the phone is unlock then press *0141#


Codes for D800's HPE platform:

*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off

*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On

*#1111# Software Version

*#2222# Hardware Version

*#1234# Firmware Version

*#92782# WAP User Agent

*#927827# WAP WAProfile

*#0228#/*#9998*228# Battery profile

* # 0842 # Vib test
* # 0746 # SSMS MEMORY
* # 0638 # SIM SIM network ID
* # 0778 # SST Sim service Table
* # 0289 # Buz test
* # 0782 # RTC (RealTimeClock) (# = Refresh)

* # 9998*228 # Battery Profile
* # 9998*842 # Vib test
* # 9998*746 # SSMS MEMORY
* # 9998*638 # SIM SIM network ID
* # 9998*778 # SST Sim service Table
* # 9998*289 # Buz test
* # 9998*782 # RTC (RealTimeClock) (# = Refresh)
* # 9998*968 # YAMAHA OF OK ONE
* # 9998*76 # Product NUMBER
* # 9998*377 # error memory
* # 9998*5646 # GPRS Logo

Code, whose effect and/or function I exactly do not point

* # 9324 # monitor? (with the red key velassen)
* # 32436837 # DAI ON?
* # 22766 # Automatically Recive call?
* # 227633 # manual Recive call?
!!! RESET code!!!
!!! these codes use only if you know which it does!!!
!!! Thus data in the Handy are deleted!!!

* 2767*3855 # FULL RESET
* 2767*2878 # CUST RESET
* 2767*927 # WAP RESET
* 2767*667 # MMS RESET
* 2767*36245 # email RESET
H2 transfer games E900
This is a small little How 2
1. first of all u need get the games.
Using pc studio transfer the .jar & .jad files to Other files.
Using memorycard put the .Jar and .jad files onto the memory card in "other files". Then once the card is in the phone, open the other files on the memory card then copy files to phone.

Once that is done go back to the standby screen.

the type in

then select Install MIDlet it will now ask for a password 235282

>Once that is done then select the jad file
>Then press install.
>Then goto app's > java world> my games
now ur ready 2 play.
Samsung SGH-X680V (Vodafone)

It's so simple:
1) Type in the code *#9998*52824678255# (which reads *#9998*JAVAINSTALL# )
2) Your phone should return with 'Activated'
3) Now using Bluetooth or USB cable, connect to your phone (IR probably works too)
4) If you have a game as .jar, but don't have a .jad file, use JadMaker to create one (draw the .jar file to it and it will generate a .jad file for you).
5) Copy the .jar AND .jad file of the game into the map called "Other Documents" on your phone.
6) Now on your phone under 'My Files' browse to the 'Other Documents' map and doubleclick on the just copied .jad file.
7) The phone will ask you if you want to Install the game.
8) After Install you will find the game under Games on your phone.
9) You can now remove the just copied .jar and .jad file again (they were only there to install the game onto your phone).

Some tips:

* Make sure the game resolution matches the display resolution of your phone
(e.g. my Samsung X680V has a resolution of 128x160, which means 240x320 or 176x220 games will only show part of the screen, while 128x128 are playable, but only fill top part of the screen).
* Still not all games will work, some are specifically written for a certain brand or OS.
It's all a matter of trial and error.
* If you doubleclick on the .jad file on your phone and it doesn't ask you if you want to 'install', it's time to give in the code again (it seems it's not a permanent setting).
* You can use an emulator to test the games on your PC. You can then also determine the resolution of the game by playing it. In the emulator, it's best to choose a model which matches the resolution of your own phone so you can see the result.
Some emulators:
o Kwyshell Midpx Emulator (doesn't need jad-files and just doubleclick, however I can't seem to change the resolution which is always 240x320).
o Sony Ericson Emulator (part of Sony Ericsson SDK) (My favorite so far)
o Motorola Emulator (part of Motorola Java ME SDK)
o Sun JAVA Emulator (part of Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC)
Samsung: A100, A110, A300, A400

To see IMEI
press *#06#

To see software version
press *#9999#

To set screen contrast
press *#0523#

To see speed, voltage and battery temperature
press *# 0228#

Samsung SGH-600 / SGH-2100

Secret Codes

*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions)
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters
*#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging.

*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> Program status
*#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#9998*324# -> Debug screens
*#9998*364# -> Watchdog
*#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W
*#9998*544# -> Jig detect
*#9998*636# -> Memory status
*#9998*746# -> SIM File Size
*#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error. *#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# -> Software Version
*#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibration activated.
*#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected
*#9998*872# -> Diag
*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk

*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> Software version

*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)
*0002*?# -> unknown
*0003*?# -> unknown

SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!! )
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, To restore your old IMEI use the IMEI program found on the software page.

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset

These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600 
Samsung Reset Codes

You can try these in case you downloaded corrupted or incompatible Java midlets or other media, which are causing problems with the phone.

*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)
*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)
*2767*WAP# Wap Reset
*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M
*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)
For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#

Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.
Other Samsung Codes

*#06# IMEI code
*#9998*4357# Help Menu
*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# Monitor Mode
*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version
*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos
*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast
*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)
*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)
*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos
*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log
*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table
*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock
*#8999*638# show network information
*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup
*#9998*76# production number
*#9998*968# view melody for alarm
*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On


*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but also change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to restore it)

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset
*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk
*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version


v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#

*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.

***/// ***/// NOTE /// *** RED COLOR , they appear serious !!! Use at
own risk !!!

*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites

The universal unlock code is *2767*637# do this with out your sim in

By default, the firmware (software) for x600 only receives java
apps and other applications like stuff by serial port.
but even for it, you have to enable the serial port, which also
the closing of all other ports, even the IrDA too :-( ..

well, guess what, i have very good news for you,
do you know, you can increase the sound level,
the sound level for tones, speaker fone, etc,
can be increase even then if it is at max (level 4)

you still can do it,
just follows the instructions!

**************** HERE WE GO **************

Enter the following code:

(You'll be shown menu, then ...)

then go to:

"H/W test"

then go to:

"Audio Settings"

then go to:

"Melody Gain"

There will you see a number.
there are five (5) Melody Levels" of it.
(and currently, you are at level 1 and after
pressing the "save" button, you will move to
level 2 and so on .........................)

you have to change the values of all the levels.
and as the resultant, it will give increase the
melody sound!, your tones will more louder,
even more louder then the max. ringing volume.

the level wise numbers are: (as its my setting :-) )

Melody Level 1: 13

Melody Level 2: 17

Melody Level 3: 18

Melody Level 4: 25

Melody Level 5: 31

you even can make your own combinations of level wise
sounding numbers that can change the sound level!.

if your combination cause more louder sound level,
then mine,
then do share it with the group! ... :-)
meanwhile, try my figured-out combination!

************ CAUTION ************

if anything goes wrong,
then you can apply the master reset code,
that will NOT delete anything, ANYTHING from your
cell fone, but set each and eveything to its
default/standard setting ...
(likes, factory settings :-) )

the master reset code is:


The code: *#8999*8378#
as i regarded it a informative code,
will tell you each and everything about your cell fone.
and in the "H/W test",
there are lot of other Audio settings,
each of them having five (5) levels,
you can change the combination, but before doing anything,
do write the defult number sequence to some place so that
you'll be then able to invert it again! .. :-) ...

#*2558# - Time ON
#*2527# - GPRS Switching Set to class {4/8/9/10}
#*4263# - Handsfree Mode: ACTIVATED
#*53696# - [Java dnload] WAPSAR mode
#*536961# - WAPSAR enable HTTP disable
#*536962# - HTTP enable WAPSAR disable
#*536963# - SERIAL enable Others disable
#*5663351# - [Phone Model] SAMSUNG SGH-X100
#*6420# - Mic off
#*6421# - Mic on
#*7632# - Sleep mode
*#8999*523# - Main LCD Brightness
*#8999*3825523# - (?) External display
*2767*3855# - Full EEPROM reset(Reset all type of locks)also you'll
lose pictures and java not melody

Remove camera sound:

On main screen type:

*#8999*8378# --> Test mode

H/W test
Audio Settings
Melody Gain

Then replace 6 by 0, it'll show 12 but it's OK
Press back until main screen
Then press key volume to minimum and let's try !!! no more sound
tip by C-Quest

*2767*688# resets the phone
Here’s how you unlock some samsungs:

samsung t-509 (T-mobile)

t-509 t-mobile to cingular.

With the power off , place the unaccepted sim card in. Turn the power on the phone will read “wrong card”. Type *2767*3855# and wait a few seconds for the phone to reboot. The phone should display a welcome screen when it powers back on. If it does not contact your provider they can also give you the unlock code. But you only have five chances to unlock it.

Samsung t-209

1) *2767*2878# (Temporary Unlock)
2) *7465625*638*00000000*00000000# (Set Code)
3) #7465625*638*00000000# (Clear Network Lock)
4) *#7465625# (Verify the network lock is “inactive”)

Phone freeze unlock code Samsung SGH-A707

to unlock SGH-A707 phone by this code #7465625*638*59258259* (the unlock code 59258259) , came out is "Phone Freeze SIM Unavailable Please Contact Service Provider" if this shows up , Your Sim cards validity might have been expired or you Sim might be damaged. Incase of Second case you need to apply for a Duplicate Sim Card from your Service provider.

*2767*688# = Unlocking Code
  Credits to Original Uploaders

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